Donate Today!
Donations to help fund our work are always welcome. We are an all-volunteer organization and look to outside support to fund the expense of supplies and other costs.
Due to complications with the use of Pay Pal, we ask that any payments to TFGK for shipping costs, donations, or other payments be made by check and sent to:
Toys For God’s Kids
3531 S. Logan St. D-154
Englewood, CO 80113
Thank You.
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes, Toys For God’s Kids is a non-profit, 501c3, Tax ID #: 27-3976894. We accept checks or credit card donations. Please do not mail cash.
Employer Matching Program
Double the impact of your donation and create twice the smiles! Many employers have matching gift programs and will match tax-deductible charitable contributions made by employees, retirees, and employees’ spouses. If your company has a program, download or request a matching gift form from your employer, complete the form and mail to:
Attn: Matching Gift Coordinator
Toys For God’s Kids
3531 S. Logan St. D-154
Englewood, CO 80113
Can I donate woodworking equipment or supplies?
Yes, Toys For God’s Kids is actively looking for quality wood working equipment: band saws, scroll saws, drill press, sanders, routers and table saws that we can get into the hands of additional SmileMaker teams. We are also always in need of scrap wood, particularly basswood and poplar. If you are near any one of our Smile Shops or Workshops listed on the Get involved page and would like to contribute, please use the Contact Us page and let us know what you have available. If you have wood working equipment you would like to donate you can use the Contact Us page or contact:
Attn: Smilemaker Team Coordinator
Toys For God’s Kids
3531 S. Logan St. D-154
Englewood, CO 80113
Tax I.D. # 27-3976894