Four year ago, Marlin visited Chip Thiel where he worked at Denver Woodworking to get some insight on CNC’s. He took a liking to our mission and made a couple hundred “put together” airplanes that we gave to Smilemakers who “helped us reach new heights” in Smilemaking. Last year we brought 17 boards to him and our logo and asked if he could make signs. After some meticulous painting, this is the handsome result. Thank You Chip Thiel!
Author: Taylor Shain
Gilbert Beekhuizen
Gilbert Beekhuizen’s family generously donated Gib’s memorial funds to TFGKs for a new CNC machine. What is a CNC machine you ask … If you are a woodworker, you may have a table saw, a drill press, a chop saw, a lathe, a router, a band saw, a joiner/planer, a shaper or a panel saw in your shop. A CNC is a multi-purpose machine that can cut, drill, and shape in the same way as traditional tools. In loving memory of Gilbert Beekhuizen, TFGKs has a ‘Gib’s CNC’ that is cutting, carving, and drilling smiles.
Thank You Woodley’s
Here is Smilemakers’ version of the Odd Couple. Stan Vander Ploeg has cultivated a relationship with Woodley’s, but Bob Gullion has the pickup truck. Here comes the best part of the story between the two of them, along with Woodley’s, who generously supplied the hardwood for wheels, TFGK ends up the winner! Woodley’s “scrap” pile is a goldmine. Look at the magnificent hardwood that was donated by Woodley’s, piled high in the pickup truck. Can you say wheels, wheels and more wheels!
Newest Chapter in Hesperia, CA
Note from Doug Card: “This chapter of TFGK really got started because my father-in-law, Lowell, who lives next door, was looking for something new to do with his scroll saw. My son, Daniel in Orange City, Iowa, put me onto the organization and I thought it would be great for Dad. To make a long story short, he is cutting out cars at the rate of 70-80 cars per day. So I called in some friends to help me in my shop to make wheels and to do the finish work. Our little group has grown to about 15 on any given Wednesday. They are all retired guys and love the fellowship, but mostly love the purpose they have in making all those smiles!”
Spring Newsletter
In this issue: A new chapter in California, a thank you to Woodley’s, new distribution opportunities.
Here is our Spring 2015 Newsletter:
TFGK’s at Christian Living Communities
Each month, volunteers at the Christian Living Community build toy cars for Toys For Gods Kids. Here is a video showcasing the volunteers:
Thanks to all the volunteers who help us out each month!
December 2014 News
In this issue: New Board Chairman, Car Count Update, New TFGK’s Chapter, SmileMakers Sound Off.
Click Here for our December 2014 Newsletter
September 2013 Newsletter
In this issue: Shell Point and Bentley Village Florida SmileMakers; Wind Crest Colorado SmileMakers; Papua New Guinea Toy Distribution; Loving One by One in Uganda; Parker Colorado Rotary Club Community Corp; Jerry Clark SmileMaker Profile
Click HERE for our September Newsletter.
June 2013 Newsletter
In this issue: SmileMakers’ Chapters Map; Parker CO Rotary Project; Myanmar (Burma) Toy Distribution; John and Betty Stitzel SmileMakers Report; African Toy Distribution by U.S. Military.
Click HERE for our June 2013 Newsletter.
March 2013 Newsletter
In this issue: Ed Berg SmileMaker article; Toys for God’s Kids Send Toys to Ethiopia; Eldon Peters SmileMaker Report.
Click HERE for our March 2013 Newsletter.